Fachbereich 03: Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften - Referenzfächer für Masterstudiengänge (10 cp) - Referenzfach Sozialwissenschaften
Für das Studium der Sozialwissenschaften als Master-Referenzfach sind aus dem Angebot der Master-Nebenfächer Soziologie oder Politikwissenschaft folgende Module wählbar. Dabei gilt, dass Module des Pflichtbereichs vor der Belegung von Modulen der Themenbereiche belegt worden sein müssen.
Soziologie: M1: Kultur- und sozialtheoretische Grundlagen(03 MA GKM K1) ⇑
Soziologie: M2: Kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Transformationen in spezifischen Feldern (03 MA GKM K2) ⇑
Soziologie: M6/M7/M8: Kooperationsmodul (03-Ma-GKM-Koop-1/2/3) ⇑
Zu belegen sind in drei Module, darin jeweils: entweder zwei Seminare aus dieser Liste bzw. einer Nachbarwissenschaft (A1 und A2) oder ein Lehrforschungsprojekt (A3).
A 1: Seminar
[Si] "Theories of Property and Housing" MP 184-EN Democracy and Postcoloniality
regelmäßiger Termin ab 15.10.2024 | ||
wöchentlich Di. 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr | k.A. (The seminar ‘Democracy and Postcoloniality’ takes place digitally, Tuesdays, 20:00 - 22:00, Central European Time.) | |
nächster Termin: 26.11.2024 Uhr, Raum: k.A. |
The central question of the seminar is: Who owns the city? The seminar wants to deal with property relations of housing in the city (and in the countryside) and to explore the social, economic, political as well as ecological conditions of appropriate housing. After a brief introduction to classical property texts (by Locke, Marx, etc.), more recent texts on housing will be discussed along the following lines: Housing and the role of economics, financial markets and housing; the human right to housing; alternative housing.
There will also be a presentation by architects Antje Buchholz and Jürgen Patzak-Poor (of BARarchitekten) on housing projects in Berlin. And we will stream and discuss with you an interesting film: Push. For the basic right to housing.
Politikwissenschaft: Demokratie (03-MA DC-B-1) ⇑
Politikwissenschaft: Partizipation (03-MA DC-B-2) ⇑
Politikwissenschaft: Theoriebildung und Methodologie (03-MA DC-B-3) ⇑
Politikwissenschaft: Internationale Kooperation (03-MA DC-B-4) ⇑
Politikwissenschaft: Government und Governance (03-MA DC-T-5) ⇑
Politikwissenschaft: Normen und Institutionen (03-MA DC-T-6) ⇑
[Si] "Theories of Property and Housing" MP 184-EN Democracy and Postcoloniality
regelmäßiger Termin ab 15.10.2024 | ||
wöchentlich Di. 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr | k.A. (The seminar ‘Democracy and Postcoloniality’ takes place digitally, Tuesdays, 20:00 - 22:00, Central European Time.) | |
nächster Termin: 26.11.2024 Uhr, Raum: k.A. |
The central question of the seminar is: Who owns the city? The seminar wants to deal with property relations of housing in the city (and in the countryside) and to explore the social, economic, political as well as ecological conditions of appropriate housing. After a brief introduction to classical property texts (by Locke, Marx, etc.), more recent texts on housing will be discussed along the following lines: Housing and the role of economics, financial markets and housing; the human right to housing; alternative housing.
There will also be a presentation by architects Antje Buchholz and Jürgen Patzak-Poor (of BARarchitekten) on housing projects in Berlin. And we will stream and discuss with you an interesting film: Push. For the basic right to housing.