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Vorlesungsverzeichnis: WiSe 2024/25

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Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Naturwissenschaften und Psychologie (GGN)




[Wshop] Conflict and Negotiation Management  (24GGN21)
Dr. Janina Hüer Dr. Dirk Palm
Zeit und Ort:
2 Einzeltermine:
Mo. 28.10.2024,09.00 - 12.00 Uhr   online
Di. 29.10.2024,09.00 - 12.00 Uhr   online


: In any environment, people follow different interests. The conflict between these interests is unavoidable, but conflicting interests are not necessarily a problem. Conflicts are crucial for any organization that wants to develop. They draw attention to problems which require solutions – be it social, managerial or scientific solutions.
This seminar introduces different models of conflict management. The models show that conflicts can be understood in many different ways.
The seminar also provides tools and practices to detect conflicts at a very early stage, when they are still manageable. Participants will learn and practice to use these tools for detecting and solving conflicts in a competent and solution-oriented way.

[Wshop] Creative Communication with AI  (24GGN19)
Catch up with the upcoming AI tools and learn how to integrate them into your work flow. This workshop is for all those who are interested to ethically use AI for a more creative and more efficient communication of their scientific subject.

Monday, 14.10.2024 from 9:00 to 12:00 on campus (room tba)
Katharina Wendlandt Dr. Janina Hüer Marie Bischoff Dr. Mirko Bischofberger (Science Studios)
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
Mo. 10.03.2025,09.00 - 12.00 Uhr   Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen / Universitätshauptgebäude / 3. OG / Seminarraum 315

Masterstudierende  |  Doktoranden  |  Post-Docs


Catch up with the upcoming AI tools and learn how to integrate them into your work flow. This workshop is for all those who are interested to ethically use AI for a more creative and more efficient communication of their scientific subject.

[Wshop] Developing Assertiveness  (24GGN16)
Developing Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a core communication skill, which if developed can help you in numerous ways from improving your ability to regulate emotion, control stress, to increasing the likelihood of the achievement of goals without causing harm to others, the development of healthier relationships as well as a higher number of personal and professional opportunities.

In this interactive online workshop plus a follow-up, online group coaching session you will:
• Learn to understand what assertiveness is, as well as the difference between submissiveness, assertiveness and aggressiveness.
• Acquire tools and techniques to help you to improve your assertiveness.
• Have the opportunity to practise these skills in a safe and supportive space through individual self-reflection exercises, demos and group exercises.

Between the workshop and the follow-up, group online session you will have the opportunity to test your newly acquired skills. In the follow-up group online session, we will focus on greater optimizing your skills as well as helping to learn from your personal experiences as well as those of the group.

Date: 15.10.2024 from 10:00 – 12:00

Follow-up Online Group Coach Session
Date: 27.10 from 10:00 – 11:30.

Coach & Trainer:

Dr. Lille Springall
Work & Organizational Psychologist, ICF Certified Coach, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Naturopath, Yoga therapist & Ayurvedic Practitioner. American & Swiss trained.
I have over 12 years of experience as a Research Scientist and combine my scientific and academic knowledge with my extensive training and experience in Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Human, Natural Medicine and as a working mother. During my 17 years working as a Holistic Coach & Trainer, I have enabled, and continue to enable, thousands of clients in the business world and in academia to achieve their goals, as well as to build successful and fulfilling lives using a truly holistic approach.
Zeit und Ort:
2 Einzeltermine:
Di. 15.10.2024,10.00 - 12.00 Uhr   online
Mi. 18.12.2024,10.00 - 11.30 Uhr   online

Studenten  |  Promovierende  |  Post-Docs  |  GGN-Members

[Wshop] Erfolgreich durchstarten mit Datenbanken und Python: Ihr Einstieg in SQL, XML & Co.  (25GGN06)
Dr. Janina Hüer Prof. Dr. Matthias Wendlandt
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
4 Einzeltermine:
Mi. 19.02.2025,12.30 - 16.00 Uhr   PC-Labor, Arndtstraße 2
Do. 20.02.2025,12.30 - 16.00 Uhr   PC-Labor, Arndtstraße 2
Mi. 26.02.2025,12.30 - 16.00 Uhr   PC-Labor, Arndtstraße 2
Do. 27.02.2025,12.30 - 16.00 Uhr   PC-Labor, Arndtstraße 2


In diesem vier halbe Tage umfassenden
Präsenzkurs lernen Sie, wie Sie relationale Datenbanken verstehen,
Daten effizient mit SQL verwalten, hierarchische Datenstrukturen mit
XML nutzen und Ihre Datenbankanbindung mit Python meistern. Dieser
Workshop ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um in zentralen Bereichen der
Datenverwaltung und Programmierung durchzustarten. Dank einer
gelungenen Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis setzen Sie Ihr Wissen direkt
um und gewinnen Sicherheit im Umgang mit Datenbanken und deren
Einbindung in Ihre Projekte.

[Wshop] Grant Application Writing  (25GGN01)
Dr. Janina Hüer Dr. Sabine Preusse (RaumZeit e.K., https://raum-zeit.de/)
Zeit und Ort:
4 Einzeltermine:
Di. 04.02.2025,09.00 - 12.30 Uhr   online
Mi. 05.02.2025,09.00 - 12.30 Uhr   online
Di. 11.02.2025,09.00 - 12.30 Uhr   online
Mi. 12.02.2025,09.00 - 12.30 Uhr   online


Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programmes with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria.
Therefore, this workshop focuses on a) how to develop your idea for a project into a sound work programme, b) how to match it to the requirements of the funding programme and c) how to facilitate the communication with the reviewer by presenting your complex ideas in an easy-to-understand way.
Besides, you will obtain a lot of background information on different funding programmes, evaluation processes and potential pitfalls.

[Wshop] Graphic Design for Scientists  (25GGN03)
Dr. Janina Hüer Neil Smith (https://neilsmithillustration.co.uk)
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
2 Einzeltermine:
Mo. 17.02.2025,09.30 - 17.00 Uhr   tba
Di. 18.02.2025,09.30 - 12.30 Uhr   keine Raumangabe


Graphic design is increasingly important to scientists. A nicely presented graphic can make detailed information easier to understand, or more appealing. Or simply provide a ‘way in’ for a different audience.
Join Graphic Designer Neil Smith for this 1.5 day course and learn more about how to visually present your science, from simple graphs and schematics to graphic abstracts and posters. You will have an introduction to graphic design and learn simple tips to improve your figures, with examples of good (and bad) presented.
You will also recieve an introduction to Adobe Illustrator, the industry standard software used to design figures at the top publishing houses. Neil will be on hand to provide guidance and feedback on your existing and current work in this informal workshop. Time will also be made for one-to-one help.

[Wshop] Presence, Voice & Impact! - For inspiring speaking and presenting  (24GGN17)
REQUIREMENTS: This interactive seminar is for all those who have their content ready but
want to convey it more effectively, increase personal presence and communicate in a
genuine, inspiring way.

PARTICIPANTS: university post-docs, doctoral students, master students

• Clear, inspiring speech for presenting complex, technical/scientific data and research
• Take-home tools, exercises and warm ups for physical and vocal presence
• More confidence, engagement and genuine connection with listeners
• English presentation skills - story telling techniques: pacing, dramatic line, stresses, pitch
and tone

• Voice, embodiment, breath, body language
• Clarity – diction, enunciaton, tone, timbre, pace, pauses
• Storytelling
• Vocal potential

London born, English Native Speaker – speech & presentation trainer; voice expert
Over 15 years as an international coach/trainer in business, academia, science and research

University Trainer: University of Vienna; IST Institute of Science and Technology, Austrian
Academy of Sciences – CeMM; WU University of Economics and Business, Vienna; TU
Technical University Wien; TU Darmstadt

Over 2 decades - international career as an opera soloist, actor, concert singer and recording
artist with renowned companies and orchestras throughout Europe
Member of stimme.at - European Voice Expert Network, and EVTA – European Voice
Teachers Association

Priti speaks fluent German and Dutch as well as English

Date: 08.10.2024 9:00 a.m. to 17.00 p.m.
Katharina Wendlandt Marie Bischoff Dr. Janina Hüer Priti Coles - Klangstruktur Stuttgart
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
Di. 08.10.2024,09.00 - 17.00 Uhr   Konferenzraum 1, Otto-Behaghel-Straße 12

Post-Docs  |  Doctoral students  |  Master students  |  GGN-Members

[Wshop] Projektmanagement mit Lean Six Sigma  (24GGN13)
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
2 Einzeltermine:
Mo. 04.11.2024,09.00 - 17.00 Uhr   iFZ, B202
Di. 05.11.2024,09.00 - 17.00 Uhr   iFZ, B202


Der Kurs gibt eine Einführung in die systemische Six Sigma-Methodik des Change Managements und vermittelt Grundbegriffe von Lean Production und Lean Management.

[Wshop] Staff Management and Leadership  (24GGN09)
Dr. Janina Hüer Dr. Matthias Zach (www.kabeak.de)
Zeit und Ort:
2 Einzeltermine:
Di. 19.11.2024,09.00 - 15.30 Uhr   online
Mi. 20.11.2024,09.00 - 15.30 Uhr   online


n this workshop, you will learn about the basics of staff management and leadership in an academic context, setting you up both for more effectiveness in your current activities and for future positions of responsibility.

[Wshop] Technikfolgenabschätzung und Issue Management  (25GGN05)
Dr. Janina Hüer Prof. Dr. Marcellus Peuckert
in Präsenz
Zeit und Ort:
3 Einzeltermine:
Mi. 15.01.2025,09.00 - 17.00 Uhr   tba
Mi. 22.01.2025,09.00 - 17.00 Uhr   tba
Do. 23.01.2025,08.00 - 16.00 Uhr   (Exkursion) Industriepark Höchst, AWS Büttelborn


Die Technikfolgenabschätzung beschäftigt sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Erfassung möglicher Folgen und Nebenwirkungen innovativer technologischer Entwicklungen und deren Bewertung. Der Kurs vermittelt auf naturwissenschaftlich-technischer Basis grundsätzliche Aspekte zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und führt ein in eine systematische Herangehensweise zum Management potenzieller Konflikte, die sich aus divergierenden Interessen der Stakeholder ergeben können. Aufgrund der engen Verbindung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcen-Management werden Basisaspekte aus den Bereichen der Rohstoff-, Energie- und Entsorgungswirtschaft dargelegt.  
- Begriffsbestimmung und historische Entwicklung der „Technikfolgenabschätzung"
- Wertschöpfungsketten als Kernprozesse der chemisch-pharmazeutischen Industrie
- Bewertung von technischen Prozessen mittels Massen- und Energiebilanzen plus „Information"
- Lebenszyklusanalyse, sog. „Ökobilanz", nach ISO 14040 und 14044
- Vereinfachte Methoden: CO2-, Wasser- und Ökologischer Fußabdruck, Lebenszykluskosten
- Grundlagen ausgewählter Wirkungskategorien technischer Entwicklungen: Ozonloch, Treibhauseffekt, Biodiversität, Luftverschmutzung, Umweltgifte etc.
- Issue Management, eine systematische Methode zur Aufarbeitung umweltpolitischer Konflikte
- Basiswissen zur aktuellen Situation in Rohstoff-, Energie- und Entsorgungswirtschaft
- Ausblick: Strategien, Trends und Innovationen im Spannungsfeld der Nachhaltigkeit

nach oben | Kontakt: evv@uni-giessen.de